Announcing: Rapid Learning Cycles 7.0! Click to Learn More

Earn PDU Credits for Certification


Earn Professional Development Units (PDU) to Maintain Your Project Management Professional® (PMP) Certification

While we don't have a formal relationship with Project Management Institute, Inc., we qualify under the "Courses from other third-party providers" section for Education PDU credits.

All of our classes have online video content, with additional live sessions that may be virtual or in-person. Our understanding is that you may claim PDU credits for the full number of contact hours, provided that you fully complete the class, including the video component.

Both public and private trainings meet their requirements as of August 2023.

Let us know if you need proof-of-attendance for any reason.

We do have the ability to review your course records to validate that you have viewed all of the required videos, and we also track attendance in live sessions.

If you need proof of attendance, please contact us or reply to an email from the Institute about your class with this request, and we will take care of it for you.

Claim PDU credits through the Project Management Institute's online system.

To claim this credit, please log into your PMI Account and follow the instructions for claiming 3rd Party Provider Course Credit. Our trainings are in the "Ways of Working" category.


These are the contact hours for each type of class we offer:

  • Global Project Leader Certification Training:  20 hours - 8 video / 12 live.
  • RLC Practitioner Training: 8 hours - 2 video / 6 live.
  • Advanced Certification classes: 6 hours - 2 video / 4 live.
  • Rapid Learning Cycles for Startups: 12 hours - 4 video / 8 live.

Connect Us for the Documentation You Need

We can provide proof of attendance and contact hours upon request.

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