Join us for the first in-person public Rapid Learning Cycles Global Project Leader workshop in over five years!
During COVID, we moved our training classes online and learned that for many teams, this was the best option. We learned how to deliver consistent results for teams with virtual workshops.
And for a team with members scattered across different sites, that's still the best option. But today, many of you want to come together in person.
Last year, I began running in-person workshops again for private audiences, and now I'm sure we can deliver the same great experience in person that we developed for our virtual classes.
I already have six confirmed attendees for this workshop, so it is guaranteed to run.
6-7 May 2025
8.30 - 17.00 CEST
Location: Either South Holland or North Brabent, Netherlands - see below.
Main Instructor: Katherine Radeka
This is an experiment, and as such, we are offering significantly lower prices than we currently do for our public Rapid Learning Cycles virtual workshops.
To take advantage of this pricing, you must book using the button below, which will take you to our Stripe payment form.
This has options for credit / debit card payments, as well as EU-friendly bank transfers.
To purchase two or three registrations, please first ADD the option for multiple registrations to your cart and then REMOVE the single registration by changing its quantity to 0. Then you should see the price you expect. By default, it only shows the option for 2 registrations — click the "See All" button to get the option for three registrations.
Contact Us directly if you would like a larger group to attend, and we will work something out.
After March 28, these early registration prices go up by €500 per registration.
Venue Sponsor
We are looking for an organization that has a conference center we may be able to use. We will pay for all catering (meals, coffee, snacks) from your conference center's preferred provider for the attendees, and offer a free registration for the venue host company. Contact Us if you think you can help with this.
We are also pursuing alternative means to secure a location, and we will have the final venue selected at least 30 days prior to the event.
The Benefits Your Organization Will Realize:
This Upcoming Release Features:
Join one of our Rapid Learning Cycles Certified® Instructors in these live, interactive sessions on the Rapid Learning Cycles framework (RLCf), as we guide you through a Virtual Kickoff Event experience, and give you the tools and skills to replicate the experience for your team.
You'll learn the framework, practice it in the sessions, test your knowledge of it, and be prepared to launch a pilot program to solidify your skills in a controlled environment before rolling it out to the rest of your organization.
When you get that training and support, you will master the RLCf faster, adapt it to your organizations’ specific environments faster, and start getting results faster.
As a result, your projects will run smoother through launch, your teams will make the most of the time and resources you have to produce a better product, and your product development leaders will see higher return on investment from your programs.
This accelerates your PDP from Idea to Launch — empowering you to make a difference faster.
Justin White of Gallagher Group shares his experience of how the RLC framework helped their executives automatically align with the product development team, without having to ask questions.
This Workshop Includes:
Total Time Commitment: 20 hours over one week
Format: Pre-recorded video + four 3-hour live web conferences
Date / Time Options: We run these classes on an alternating schedule between geographic regions.
We organize workshops into sections of six to twelve participants in a region. Then we schedule the four live sessions based upon the section members' availability.
We close registration for the next month's section 10 days prior to the end of the previous month.
We train groups of 12 or more from the same company in a private session, that allows us to go deeper into the integration of RLCs into your R & D systems.
Region A
Europe, Africa & Eastern Americas
Live Sessions Tuesday - Friday
14:00 - 17:00 CET
1:00 - 4:00 pm GMT
8:00 - 11:00 am EST
7:00 - 10:00 am CST
Register to Get On the List!
Region B
Western Americas, Asia, Oceania
Americas: Monday-Thursday
12:00 - 3:00 pm PST
1:00 - 4:00 pm MST
2:00 - 5:00 pm CST
Australia: Tuesday - Friday
7:00 am - 10:00 am AEDT
New Zealand: Tuesday - Friday
9 am - Noon NZDT
Register to Get On the List!
Use these buttons to register yourself or your team
after you have been matched with an open class that fits your schedule.
Frans Feijan
Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD)
"We learned a lot about the Rapid Learning Cycles process, and learned how to put it into practice at our company.
I think it's really a good tool for us to speed up the development process, to do things right in the first part of the process, but to gain time and to be more predictable in the later phases of development like engineering.
It has been a really good session for us and we are going to put it to practice in a project at BD and, I have high hopes to make that a success."
Wouter van Essen
I had some doubts about sending all our Project Managers and whether they would learn how to use Rapid Learning Cycles better for their own projects. But I am sticking with the decision to send them all as it is another positive experience with Rapid Learning Cycles when they are applying it together with RLC enthusiasts from other companies and more attention to the thinking behind the framework. The best part of the class was the three baskets that help determine which elements of Rapid Learning Cycles drive success and therefore must be applied rigorously, and which ones can be left for the team to decide.
The class prepared us very well for explaining Rapid Learning Cycles to teams that will work with it and convincing stakeholders of the logic behind it. The workshop will give you the tools and insights that you need to judge and positively influence the quality of the plans of the teams that you guide. With that the learning on how to successfully apply Rapid Learning Cycles in your company will be accelerated.
How to Set Up the Environment
Prepare Your Team
Virtual Event Facilitation
Day One:
The Core Hypothesis
Key Decisions
Day Two:
Knowledge Gaps
Prioritizing Knowledge Gaps
Day Three:
The RLCf Event Structure
The Learning Cycles Plan
Wrap-Up and Final Check
Day Four:
Real Time Knowledge Capture
Learning Cycle and Integration Events
Steps to Wrap Up an Event
The Transition to Late Development
Your Action Plan
Class Wrap Up