Announcing: Rapid Learning Cycles 7.0! Click to Learn More

Rapid Learning Cycles
Global Project Leader Certification Workshop

Announcing Rapid Learning Cycles 7.0!

The Benefits Your Organization Will Realize:

  • More compelling introduction to RLCs to drive leaders to appreciate the value that RLCs can bring to your organization.
  • Better identification and more focus on the most important Key Decisions.
  • Easier integration of execution tasks and deliverables into the overall project plan.
  • Improved knowledge capture.
  • More clarity on how to use RLCs with the tools your teams have for project management.


This Upcoming Release Features:

  • An additional step in the Kickoff Event process to sharpen your team’s focus on the most important Key Decisions without adding extra time to the event itself.
  • Redesigned RLCs Overview presentation to build buy-in for adoption of the framework.
  • Guidance and practice on how to incorporate execution tasks and deliverables into the team’s project plans alongside RLCs.
  • New video content on implementing the RLCs framework into a variety of project management tools.
  • New Microsoft-centered planning workbook template.

Prepare to Lead Your Team to High Velocity Innovation

Join one of our Rapid Learning Cycles Certified® Instructors in these live, interactive sessions on the Rapid Learning Cycles framework (RLCf), as we guide you through a Virtual Kickoff Event experience, and give you the tools and skills to replicate the experience for your team.

You'll learn the framework, practice it in the sessions, test your knowledge of it, and be prepared to launch a pilot program to solidify your skills in a controlled environment before rolling it out to the rest of your organization.

When you get that training and support, you will master the RLCf faster, adapt it to your organizations’ specific environments faster, and start getting results faster.

As a result, your projects will run smoother through launch, your teams will make the most of the time and resources you have to produce a better product, and your product development leaders will see higher return on investment from your programs.

This accelerates your PDP from Idea to Launch — empowering you to make a difference faster.

Why Using Rapid Learning Cycles Leads to Confident Decisions

Justin White of Gallagher Group shares his experience of how the RLC framework helped their executives automatically align with the product development team, without having to ask questions.

The Details

This Workshop Includes:

  • Four half-days of live interactive sessions that go deeply into the Rapid Learning Cycles framework from the perspective of the team's leadership.
  • Licensed, reusable training materials that you can share with your team to introduce them to the Rapid Learning Cycles framework.
  • Unlimited access to our video library covering Rapid Learning Cycles key content, to ensure that you are well prepared to lead your team through the process.
  • Over 15 templates and checklists for key preparation and follow-up tasks.


Total Time Commitment:  20 hours over one week

Format: Pre-recorded video + four 3-hour live web conferences

Date / Time Options: We run these classes on an alternating schedule between geographic regions.

Two Options to Fit Your Time Zone

We organize workshops by collecting names of people interested in organizing a group for their company of at least three participants. When we have two or more groups, then we work with the organizers to find a training week that works for their teams. Then we'll announce availability for any open slots to our entire community.

We train groups of 12 or more from the same company in a private session, that allows us to go deeper into the integration of RLCs into your R & D systems.


Region A
Europe, Africa & Eastern Americas

Live Sessions Tuesday - Friday
14:00 - 17:00 CET
1:00 - 4:00 pm GMT
8:00 - 11:00 am EDT
7:00 - 10:00 am CDT

Next Workshop:
Week of 28 October  2024


Region B
Western Americas, Asia, Oceania

Americas: Monday-Thursday
12:00 - 3:00 pm PST
1:00 - 4:00 pm MST
2:00 - 5:00 pm CST

Australia: Tuesday - Friday
7:00 am - 10:00 am AEDT

New Zealand: Tuesday - Friday
9 am - Noon NZDT

Next Workshop:
Week of 18 November 2024

Global Project Leader Certification Workshop Pricing

Use these buttons to register yourself or your team
after you have been matched with an open class that fits your schedule.

Global Project Leader Certification Workshop for Teams (of 3+)

Global Project Leader Certification Workshop for Individuals


Frans Feijan
Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD)

"We learned a lot about the Rapid Learning Cycles process, and learned how to put it into practice at our company.

I think it's really a good tool for us to speed up the development process, to do things right in the first part of the process, but to gain time and to be more predictable in the later phases of development like engineering.

It has been a really good session for us and we are going to put it to practice in a project at BD and, I have high hopes to make that a success."


Wouter van Essen

I had some doubts about sending all our Project Managers and whether they would learn how to use Rapid Learning Cycles better for their own projects. But I am sticking with the decision to send them all as it is another positive experience with Rapid Learning Cycles when they are applying it together with RLC enthusiasts from other companies and more attention to the thinking behind the framework. The best part of the class was the three baskets that help determine which elements of Rapid Learning Cycles drive success and therefore must be applied rigorously, and which ones can be left for the team to decide.

The class prepared us very well for explaining Rapid Learning Cycles to teams that will work with it and convincing stakeholders of the logic behind it. The workshop will give you the tools and insights that you need to judge and positively influence the quality of the plans of the teams that you guide. With that the learning on how to successfully apply Rapid Learning Cycles in your company will be accelerated.

Is a Certification Workshop Right for You?

Talk to us to help you decide who in your organization would benefit the most from this training, and how to ensure that they come back ready to move into action.

Ghost Text

Complete Agenda and Resources

How to Set Up the Environment
Prepare Your Team
Virtual Event Facilitation

Day One:
The Core Hypothesis
Key Decisions

Day Two:
Knowledge Gaps
Prioritizing Knowledge Gaps

Day Three:
The RLCf Event Structure
The Learning Cycles Plan
Wrap-Up and Final Check

Day Four:
Real Time Knowledge Capture
Learning Cycle and Integration Events

Steps to Wrap Up an Event
The Transition to Late Development
Your Action Plan
Class Wrap Up

Board Templates:

  • Core Hypothesis (2 layouts)
  • Key Decisions (3 layouts)
  • Knowledge Gaps (3 layouts)
  • Learning Cycles Plan (3 layouts)
  • Facilitator's Preparation Checklist and Process Flow
  • Facilitator's In-Event Checklist and Process Flow
  • Facilitator's Wrap-Up Checklist

Additional Materials:

  • Virtual Kickoff Event Preparation Workbook and Slides
  • Face-to-Face Kickoff Event Preparation Workbook and Slides
  • Project Leader Workbook with all materials for all modules not in the Kickoff Event workbooks.
  • Communications Templates for Team Members
  • Simple Virtual Rapid Learning Cycles Plan Template with procedure to populate with data.